Congratulations to all the graduates (and soon-to-be graduates) on completing your college degree. Now the real challenge begins as you enter the job market. You can make your job search easier if you format your resume and cover letters with care. Even recruiters for entry level jobs are looking for polished resumes and letters that demonstrate your ability to communicate as well as present your career skills. Here are five key do’s and don’ts that can make or break the success of your job search.
Never consider sending out a resume or CV without an accompanying cover letter. You can find sample resumes online that match your career goals, from resumes that highlight your skills to those that present a chronological overview of your experience. But if you submit a resume without a cover letter, your potential employer may toss it away. Recruiters don’t want boiler plate applications; they expect to see a letter and resume that directly responds to the job requirements cited in their job posting.